First, I think both emails services and report services are awesome and I especially appreciate the fact that we can create our own custom services that use custom sql queries and have access to the CF application. I love being able to create a built-in service for email or reporting needs that would have to otherwise be handled by a separate system.
That being said, here are some things that I think could make email and reporting services even more awesome.
- Consider combining report and email services into one service or make them functionally identical - Each service has capabilities that I think would be useful and possible to add to the other service so why not make them the same thing.
- Email services allow for tabs with multi-select options. I don't think that's possible with report services but it would be nice.
- Report services allow text fields for string/date filters which would be nice on email services.
- Email services only output a certain set of columns in the data export. Would be nice if they could return any columns included in the query like report services does.
- It would be awesome if we could send emails from report services as long as the query included the necessary identifiers (idnumber)
- Add file input field for report/email services - It'd be awesome if report/email services could accept a file as an input. For example, a service could be created that accepts an xls or csv file with data and the report could return the data with additional sunapsis columns added, or it could trigger some sort of process within the database (Ex. update records for mass adjudication).