After May 30th we started getting a certificate warning when launching the Sunapsis Java application. Our InCommon server certificate is still valid but It appears that the AddTrust certificate that’s in the certificate chain expired. I see others have had issues with batching for this same reason. My understanding is that it shouldn’t be a problem with versions of Java after 8u50 and we’re using at least 8u161. Chrome, Firefox, etc don’t have a problem with our certificate, just Java. Is anyone else having this issue? Am I missing something obvious? Any simple solution before I start digging?
Server cert can't be verified by Java due to AddTrust cert expiration?
Server cert can't be verified by Java due to AddTrust cert expiration?
Not sure if this will be the case for anyone else but we solved the issue. I'm not sure why it worked but I ran the Windows updates on our server (2008 R2) and restarted and the certificate warning stopped appearing. Seems odd that a Windows update or restart would take care of it but it worked on both our test and prod servers.